Vivian Wenhuey Chen
Born in Taiwan, came to the United States to study, lived in Boston, Massachusetts for more than 30 years and settled in Long Beach, CA in 2005. Mostly self taught aside from the art courses in high school. I also attended art classes at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, a joint program with Tufts University and California State University Long Beach Art Department as an Open University student. Painting mostly in abstract representation and abstract styles.
Artist's Message...
Being a naturalized citizen, I am fortunate to be in a country of my choice, instead of just being born into a country. Consequently, I am particularly sensitive to and acutely aware of the happenings in and to America. I often react to the agony and ecstasy of this nation so deeply that I have to deal with this feeling in my artwork. The last few years were particularly challenging for Asian Americans. I am so drained that I have to take refuge in the great mountains and diversified cities of our country, as reflected in these two paintings.
The artist’s original art pieces are available for purchase. Simply click the "PURCHASE" button and follow the instructions. Please note that reproductions of the art will continue to be offered for purchase for the duration of the LELA's art show through July 31st, 2022.
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