Barbara Tabachnick
In former life I was a Professor of Psychology (statistics, research design, perception) at CSUN for 25 years and belly dancer (and costume maker) for 16 of those years. Currently I am an artist, consultant in statistics and research design, co-author of the most popular multivariate statistics book, and traveler. I’ve been in multiple juried local, national, and international group shows since 2004, with some prizes along the way. Solo shows (some shared) include those at the late, lamented, Orlando Gallery; Council Gallery of the NCJWLA; Madrid Theatre; and Artist Alley at Calabasas Tennis and Swim Center. I was twice invited to exhibit at Ontario International Airport. Current organizations include Collage Artists of America (website manager and soft techie), California Art League, Southern California Women’s Caucus for Art, LELA (Zoom secretary), LAAA/Gallery 825, and Encaustic Art Institute.
EMAIL: btabachnick@csun.edu
WEBSITE: BarbaraTabachnickArt.com